DropboxDropbox is one of the earliest, or the earliest cloud file services that I know and I have been using it for a long time. And as I made many referrals I have about 18 Gb of free cloud space for my Dropbox.

And 18 Gb may not sound a lot in 2019, but believe me, in general cloud space is pretty expensive. No, not for ordinary users who just store some private documents, but the moment you want to really backup some serious data you will notice ‘free’ cloud storage space is a very relative matter.

Anyhow, I can certainly recommend Dropbox as I have used it for a very, very long time to store my data. You can use the linkĀ  here below to sign up:

Sign up for Dropbox

And yes, signing up through that link will give me even more Dropbox space and will also give you an additional 500 Mb over the standard space of 1 Gb.